Thursday, November 03, 2005

excerpt #4

An excerpt from FLaW's short-story The Best Taste; created last year during a creative writing session.
*The whole version will be available in the first issue of our magazine

The Best Taste

"Joey had never tasted ice cream. His father was too poor to be able to spend money on such luxuries. Joey stood in front of the candy shop every day, devouring with his eyes the ice creams of those lucky rich kids, whose fathers had enough money to buy them as much as four scoops of ice cream, each with different taste. On top of them there was chocolate dressing and grounded hazelnuts, sprinkled over the dressing.
Joey knew what the ice cream would taste like, if he was lucky enough to ever try it. His 11th birthday was soon coming. He hoped that his father might buy him a scoop of ice cream for his birthday. Joey loved his father. He was hard working and honest but too naïve. Others always took advantage of him, which he knew, but was too humble to do anything against. Joey always told him that he needed to take charge of his life and stop being too obedient and let others crush him. But his father never took his advice. He told him how the biggest virtues in life are obedience and reverence. And he continued to live like that, obeying his principles. Joey thought about this as he went to bed, the night before his birthday..."

- FLaW


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